Exploring Our Solar System Planets and Space Our Solar System Have you ever looked up into the sky and wonderedwhat was there? Higher than the birds, past the clouds, and farther than the moon, a wholehost of fascinating objects spin in outer space. Let's imagine for a moment that we can leavethe earth behind, and explore the solar system that surrounds it. We call it the solar system because everythingin it is centered around the sun, and solar means something to do with the sun. The sunis a star, just like many of the stars that you can see in the night sky - just many timescloser to us. Still, the sun is very, very far away from the earth; almost 93 millionmiles away: that's why it looks so small, even though it's the biggest object in thesolar system. In fact, the sun makes up more than 99 percent of the mass in the solar system.If you put all of the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and everything else in the solar systemtogether, they would make up less than ...
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